Ekonomicko – technické oddelenie
The Economical Department prepares the financial plan of the Institute and the proposals of financial plans of the Slovak and foreign projects investigated at the Institute. It formulates the agreements for the contract research. Another major activity involves monitoring of the budget of the Institute as well as of the budgets of the individual projects. It surveys the updates in the legislation. The Economical Department is in charge of the personnel and salary management of the Institute and provides the services for the Institute employes in these areas. In addition, it takes care of the employes complete insurance.The Economical Department works on the offers and product costs from different producers and purchases the overall merchandise, materials and services for the individual departments of the Institute. It provides the travel funds and deals with the billing of the business trips of the employes.The Economical Department participates in the preparation of conferences, workshops and seminars organized by the Institute. This Department should be contacted for obtaining any primary information about the Institute.