Mária Omastová

Personal page

Ing. Mária Omastová, DrSc.

Department of Composite Materials
Email: maria.omastova@savba.sk
Tel: +421-2-3229 4312 (4322, 4330)

Recent publications

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Research areas:

  • polymeric nanocomposites with nanofillers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, montmorillonite, MXene and others, preparation and properties
  • multiphase polymeric composites
  • conducting composites and blends, preparation and study of their properties spectroscopic characterization, thermal ageing, stability, thermooxidation, etc.
  • composites for sensors, actuators and supercapacitors
  • conducting polymers, mechanism of the polymerization
  • surface and interphase characterization of polymeric, organic and inorganic materials by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


Running projects:


H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 Multifunctional polymer composites doped with novel 2D nanoparticles for advanced applications (NANO2DAY) Duration: 05/2018 – 04/2023

Interreg Macro Plastic Waste in and along the Danube (PlasticFreeDanube) Duration: 09/2018 – 03/2021

M-ERANET Advanced polymer composites filled with novel 2D nanoparticles (NANO2COM) Duration: 09/2018 – 11/2021

M-ERANET Li-ion BAttery-SupErcapacitor Hybrid Device (LiBASED) Duration: 09/2020-08/2023

COST project CA19118 High-performance Carbon-based Composites with Smart Properties for Advanced Sensing Applications (EsSENce) Duration: 11/2020 – 10/2024


APVV19-0465 Hybrid Low Dimensional Layered Materials with new Functionalities (FlayMat) Duration: 07/2020-12/2023

VEGA 2/0010/18 Polymeric materials for advanced application Duration: 01/2018-12/2021

Finished projects:

H2020 Building-up Centre of Excellence for advanced materials application (CEMEA) (H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-1-FPA)

7RP 228916 NOMS: Nano-Optical Mechanical Systems (NOMS)

Structural Funds Centre for applied research of new materials and technology transfer (OPVaV-2013/4.2/09-RO)

Structural Funds Centre for Materials, layers and systems for Applications and Chemical processes in extreme conditions (MACHINA II)

APVV-15-0641 Smart MoS2 platform for cancer diagnosis and targeted treatment (MoSense)

APVV14-0120 Graphene-based nanoplatform for detection of cancer (GONanoplatform)

VEGA 2/0149/14 Polymeric nanocomposites and hybrids and their applications as sensors and actuators.

VEGA 2/0064/10 Electrically conductive polymeric nanocomposites with modified fillers

ERDF New materials and devices based on conducting polymers and their composites, Phase II. (Danube Polycon. 01DS 15015)

ERDF New materials and devices based on conducting polymers and their composites (Danube 11/2013)

COST project MP12006 Electrospun Nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications

COST project MP1105 Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals (FLARETEX)

COST project MP1003 European Scientific Network for Artificial Muscles (ESNAM)