
DoktoGrant for our three students

We are excited to announce that three PhD students — Omid Moghaddam, Nafise Babaei, and Fereshteh Kazemi-Aghdam — have been awarded the prestigious DoktoGrants from SAS GRANTS for PhD students….

24. March 2025

🎉👩‍🔬We celebrated women and girls in science👩‍🔬🎉

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we met at the Institute of Polymers on February 19 to remind ourselves of the importance of…

24. February 2025

Global Women’s Breakfast at Polymer Institute

We are thrilled to announce to you the 3rd GLOBAL WOMEN’S BREAKFAST at Polymer Institute SAS which will be focused on “Accelerating equity in science” which is the main idea…

12. February 2025

Two PhD. student were awarded the DoktoGrant

Our PhD. students Sambit Kumar Lenka @_samkulenka_ and Sagita Sagita Christyowati Primi @gitachsa were successful and were awarded the Slovak Academy of Sciences grants for PhD. students @akademiavied. The grant in the amount of 2000…

9. April 2024

Global Women’s Breakfast 2024 sustainability & diversity

On Monday, February 26, 2024, women and girls from the Polymer Institute SAS will meet for the second time, at a breakfast with an informal discussion on the status of…

20. February 2024

Announcement about the election of the external member of the Scientific Board of the Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (PI SAS)

The Management Board of the PI SAS announces the election of one external member of the Scientific Board of the PI SAS. The position of the external member became vacant…

15. February 2024

POLYMERS 2024 – XIII. Slovak – Czech conference

After four years, the task of organizing the Slovak-Czech conference Polymers 2024 fell to the Slovak partner from the Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Considering the increased…

12. February 2024

Workshop at the Polymer Institute SAS in Bratislava on POLYMERS AS BIOMATERIALS

Department for biomaterials research at the Polymer Institute SAS in Bratislava  has got long tradition and expertise in polymer chemistry and biomaterials for biomedicine and biotechnology. We would like to invite…

10. November 2023

Science Fair in Prague

On June 8-10, 2023, we had the honor and pleasure to once again participate in the Science Fair in Prague, which was held at the exhibition center in Letňany. It…

8. June 2023

Internship of young colleagues from Czestochowa

From February 26, 2023, to March 11, 2023, PhD. students, studying at the Doctoral School of the Jan Długosz University, took part in a scientific internship at the Polymer Institute…

27. March 2023

Sports training on Polymer Institute

The sports training, which started in early February, ended last week. The exercises were done individually and the aim was to investigate the acute effect of different recovery modalities on…

13. March 2023

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 

On the occasion of the 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science an informal meeting (breakfast) will take place on February 13, 2023, associated with discussion about the…

7. February 2023


On Thursday, February 2, 2023, the successful applicants in the Doktogrant call took over from the Slovak Academy of Sciences vice-president for the 1st Department of Sciences, Dr. Martin Venhart…

3. February 2023

The research is internationally leading within the European context

During the 2022, an international evaluation of individual Institutes took place in the Slovak Academy of Sciences. An international team of experts thus verified the excellence of the entire Slovak…

2. February 2023

Polymer Meeting in Bratislava – PM15

It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to the “Polymer Meeting 15” (PM15) that will be held from the 4th to 7th of September 2023 in Bratislava. PM15 is mutually…

2. February 2023

9th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Conference – BYPoS 2023

… follows the tradition of regular meetings of young scientists which we started in last few years. BYPoS conference is oriented on all fields of macromolecular chemistry and provides the ideal possibility…

2. February 2023

PMA & SRC 2023 conference

n 2005 the first International Conference on Polymeric Materials in Automotive was organized in Bratislava starting new tradition of events reflected steeply rising importance of automotive industry in Slovakia. That…

2. February 2023

As was the tradition in the days before the pandemic, during the Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia, our institute is again organizing an Open Day, which will be…

2. November 2022

Announcement about the election of members of the Scientific Board of the Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (PI SAS)

The Management Board of the PI SAS announces the election of five members of the Scientific Board and three external members of the Scientific Board of the PI SAS, and…

2. November 2022

Election of director of the Polymer Institute SAS

Election of the director of the Polymer Institute SAS will be on October 20 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Polymer Institute SAS. There is one candidate, the…

14. October 2022

Volejbalový turnaj oddelení

Počas najhorúcejšieho letného dňa, 18.08. 2022 o 15:00 sa odohral na vonkajšom volejbalovom ihrisku v areáli SAV turnaj oddelení Ústavu polymérov SAV, v. v. i. O volejbalovú trofej sa uchádzali štyri tímy: The…

12. September 2022

Opustil nás doc. Ing. Dušan Berek, DrSc.

Dňa 28. júna 2022, nás vo veku nedožitých 84 rokov, nečakane a bez rozlúčky, navždy opustil náš dlhoročný kolega a priateľ doc. Ing. Dušan Berek, DrSc. Posledná rozlúčka so zosnulým…

22. August 2022

Cena za najlepšiu diplomovú prácu

Dňa 16.6.2022 sa konalo slávnostné odovzdávanie ocenení za najlepšie diplomové práce v akademickom roku 2021/2022 na Fakulte chemickej a potravinárskej technológie STU. Zo 150 obhájených prác bolo ocenených 22 prác…

22. August 2022

BASF Innovation Hub 2022

BASF supports solutions for key environmental challenges of today Dear supporters of innovations and start-ups, It gives us great pleasure to inform you that the world’s leading chemical company BASF…

22. August 2022

Opustil nás prof. Ing. Eberhard Borsig, DrSc.

Dňa 29. apríla 2022, nás vo veku 86 rokov navždy opustil náš dlhoročný kolega a priateľ prof. Ing. Eberhard Borsig, DrSc. Prof. Ing. Eberhard Borsig, DrSc., prezývaný medzi kolegami Ebo,…

22. August 2022

Mladí vedci v akcii

V letnom týždni od 18. do 22 júla sa na SAV konala Letná škola mladých vedcov. Tento rok sa letnej školy zúčastnilo 42 mladých vedcov z celého Slovenska a do organizácie sa zapojilo…

22. July 2022

3. strategický seminár na podporu spolupráce edzi akadémiou, univerzitami a firmami na Slovensku

Dňa 21.6.2022 sa na bratislavskej Patrónke konal už tretí ročník strategického seminára, ktorý má za cieľ vytvoriť platformu pre stretávanie sa zástupcov akademického, vzdelávacieho a priemyselného sektora a umožniť im rozvíjať spoluprácu…

21. June 2022

Veda na výstavisku v Letňanoch

„To bola parádna akcoška“. S týmito slovami sme prichádzali späť do práce v pondelok 6.6.2022. V sobotu v noci sme docestovali z Prahy. Ak si myslíte, že sme boli v Prahe na výstavisku Letňany na ro©kovom…

6. June 2022


The 23rd annual benefit concert SCIENCE AND ART FOR THE FUTURE will take place in the Mirror Hall of the Primate’s Palace in Bratislava on April 2, 2022 at 5…

28. March 2022

Notice of the election of a member of Scientific Board

Dear colleagues, let me inform you that there will be a Voting of 1 missing member of Scientific Board of the Polymer Institute SAS, which will be held on February 8th,…

20. January 2022

ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS: Market, Trends and Opportunities

Linking research with industry and presenting the results of the Institute of Polymers of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at the International Seminar: Antimicrobial Agents: Market, Trends and Opportunities. More:…

21. June 2021